Thursday, April 9, 2009


so today and yesterday were pretty uneventful... yesterday we got up at like 730 and drove to Rochester to get a car, got home around 2pm, and that was pretty much all we did... Today I have been cleaning all day... Ryan was in such a good mood today, I couldn't believe seeing as he didn't take more than a 20 minute nap all day... he is getting a little grumpy now though because he is tired... hopefully he will go to sleep pretty good tonight.. he went last night without a middle of the night bottle, he did get up but as soon as i picked him up fell back asleep... so im hoping tonight no bottle.. i may let him CIO during the night, because i know he isn't hungry just wants the comfort...

Tomorrow is Good Friday. We got a pretty busy weekend. Tomorrow Ryan has a doctors appt and then Brandon family is getting together for Easter. Saturday is our friend Gabby's first birthday. And Sunday Ryan and I are going to my moms for Easter dinner. We are going to stay a few days and hopefully hang out with some people. Well anyways... Ryan is getting grumpy.. It's time for bed and then I am going to finish cleaning :) Night Night

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


So lets give this a whirl... Ryan has been pretty grumpy all day, he is teething. Not a fun time haha. We pretty much just hung out all day and kinda cleaned. His new thing is pulling himself to standing with the stairs. Not very safe so I keep him far away from them unless i am right there. I'm still trying to drill the whole taking off shoes thing into Brandon. Luckily Ryan hasn't gotten the whole pinching thing down yet so he cant pick up little things (like dirt) if i miss some. He just flicks his finger on it, very cute!

We're defiantly ready for SPRING!! This whole snow 2 days after 60 degree weather, not ok. I really want some nice weather, so we can walk everyday. And hopefully get this baby weight off!

Anyways... So I really love having Brandon home now. Hopefully he can do enough so he doesn't have to go back to work. He really wants to open his own body shop. I know he can do it he is so talented. We just got to find a building. With him home now and working on cars a lot more, we have to be extra careful about having too many cars around, or the town will get on us. He was talking about selling the house moving in the near future, so somewhere more in the country. Our town is tiny, but we're on the main road so everyone drives by it. I'm ok with moving as long as its not any farther away from my mom.

Well I gotta go make dinner. Haha its kinda late... Bye